
Showing posts from August, 2020
The above image shows a  small selection of my favorite photography and illustration zines which I self published over the past two years. From left to right: Suburban Wasteland Haiku, Interzone, Concrete Foliage and Hauntings. The photo above shows interior pages of the zines Interzone, Hauntings, Suburban Wasteland Haiku and Concrete Foliage. Each zine follows a specific theme and aesthetic, yet all are connected by the wider theme of ways in which people relate to and interact with overlooked areas of the landscape.  I made my first zine in early 2018 and it was called The Loop. It was a photo essay charting a number of journeys I made around the lesser seen edges of Amsterdam. After making and printing the physical paper zine I scanned the pages in order to share them online and via social media. Below is a selection of the scanned pages* (the entire zine can be seen at ). *I wanted the aesthetics o